The week after Spring Break Josh had the opportunity to travel to Washington DC to attend an international law conference. Since he would be compensated for his trip, we decided to pay a little more and make it a vacation for two. Josh and I haven't been on a trip together since before Ms. Ava, so we were beyond excited. Coach's Spring Break fell during our time in DC, so Ava stayed in Frost. A million thanks to Mimi for capturing pictures of Ava's adventures while we were gone. I've tried to piece this post together so you can see what we were doing in DC and what she was doing in Frost. It makes total sense in my head...which means it's probably a big ol' mess. Enjoy anyway!
Day 1
Josh and I flew into Baltimore, then took a train into DC. Yes, of course I sang 'Good Morning Baltimore' from Hairspray on the train. Yes, of course Josh blushed 10 shades of red while shushing me. We arrived in the grand Union Station.
Day 1
Josh and I flew into Baltimore, then took a train into DC. Yes, of course I sang 'Good Morning Baltimore' from Hairspray on the train. Yes, of course Josh blushed 10 shades of red while shushing me. We arrived in the grand Union Station.
I felt a little like Buddy the Elf at the beginning of his trip to the city, lots of squealing and exclamations. Josh was much cooler about things.
Meanwhile, back on the prairie
If you know Josh and me at all, or have read this blog for more than five seconds, you know that we're total dorks. We embrace that, as you'll see in many of the following pictures.
Here I am in front of the NPR building!
(Excuse our layers of bunchy clothes, it was super cold and windy. Also excuse our sleepy eyes, someone booked a 7:10 am flight which meant alarm clocks at 4:00. Ick.)
For those folks who think decent Mexican food "up North" does not exist I present Rosa Mexicano.
Thanks to some former DC residents and dear friends, Geoff and Susie, we were able to equal out all the healthy walking we did on our trip.
As close to the White House as we could get
Something else no one told us about Washington, objects in your line of sight are much, MUCH farther than they appear. We would see a point of interest, decide to walk there, start walking then walk and walk and walk some more.
Back in Frost, Ava was ending her day in the dirt with a sudsy bath.
Josh and I were still plodding along, trying to cram as many sights into our first day as possible. Here are a few pictures from the World War 2 Memorial.
See that building way in the distance in the center of this picture? That's the Lincoln Memorial. Of course we thought we could just take a quick jaunt there and back, no problem. Right?
As soon as this picture was snapped we purchased a 2-day sightseeing bus pass. Money well spent my friends.
Josh's international law conference was held at the fancy Ritz Carlton. I met up with him after his sessions to continue our sightseeing.
My favorite picture in the National Portrait Gallery, especially following the previous picture in this post.
Josh's favorite Supreme Court Justice, Earl Warren. What, you don't have a favorite Supreme Court Justice? Yeah. Me neither.
I wrote an entire Sparkle post on my experience at Julia Child's kitchen at the Smithsonian. I was not prepared for the impact this particular exhibit had on me. This is her actual kitchen, donated to the museum.
And another shot of the kitchen, my mascara-streaked-puffy-cry face did not grace these pictures. You're welcome.
What I was most looking forward to seeing:
(As if I wasn't already a mess, they cued up 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' just after this picture was taken. Cut to Autumn in a puddle on the floor.)
The gorgeous Willard Hotel
Lifelong friend Katy and her hubby Joseph traveled into DC from their relatively nearby home to have dinner with us at the Old Ebbit Grill. Hands down best oysters and crab cakes of my life.
Ava and Beene Beene made sugar cookies. I'm sure the Scary Smile was necessary for the baking process.
Future place of employment? Hey, a girl can dream. On our capitol tour we found out the only way to access the stairs to the top of the dome is if you're a family member of congress. No pressure Josh, but I think it would be a gorgeous view.
Signing of the Declaration of Independence
(Earlier we saw the real Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights but weren't allowed to even say the word camera near them. Suffice it to say that Josh was super law dorkily excited, and I was just regular have-the-desire-to-say-the-Pledge-of-Allegiance excited.)
The only shot we got of the cherry blossom trees around the Tidal Basin. Our trip was about two weeks too short.
We took our bus out to Virginia and saw Arlington National Cemetery, but did not have the recommended two and a half hours to tour the grounds. Also the predicted mini snow storm was starting to blow in and the temperatures were dropping quickly.
On our way back into DC we saw the Pentagon, but weren't allowed to photograph it for security reasons.
Always the best part of a vacation, reuniting as a family. Thank you to Mimi, Coach, and Beene Beene for making our vacation and this special blog post possible. We returned to our real lives refreshed and ready to finish up another year and a half of law school. Over halfway done!