We kicked off the start to Josh's 2L year with a special Ode to our 2L, HLS recitation. I'd love to publish it here, but it's so full of inside jokes, cheesy rhymes, and silliness that we'll just keep it to ourselves.
The pile is growing, but so is the Bave. Each year we stack up Josh's books and see how Ava measures up in comparison.
1L book stack versus Ava 2 1/2 years
1L & 2L book stack V Ava 3 1/2 years
Got a little Galinda in ya'?
Can't you just hear her singing, "Ooh, I'll show ya' what shoes to wear, how to fix your hair..."
A little dress up in the home center
(Please note this is not a Red Hat. No offense to any Red Hat Society members who may read this blog (hahahahaha), but when I worked at a little cafe during undergrad they made my life miserable. I'd see a mass of red and purple headed to our counter and just groan. No m'am we don't have any fat free dressing, Yes m'am we still have some smoked salmon (pronounced saL-mon) salad left, No mandArian oranges on the salad, yes m'am. And mean, oh my goodness. Downright catty, brought back memories of junior high and high school ick. Turns my stomach just thinking about it. Okay, moving on.)
Ms. E is already such an artist. She is almost a year younger than Ava, but loves to color more than any little one I've ever seen. I see artsy design in her bright future.
Uncle B was brave enough to hold the chocolate monster during her cupcake feast.
This picture melts my heart. Do you remember holding hands with your friends? Such a sweet, fleeting time in life. Just innocent, happy to be together and headed the same direction.
Posing by the sparkly pond
Seconds later the mommies spotted a gigantic snake swimming in the water, fast-paced Oprah walking ensued
We heard a variety of musical genres, here were a few of the selections:
Lovestoned by Justin Timberlake
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Creep (slight lyrical edits) by Radiohead
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Have you ever watched a little girl fall even more in love with her daddy? Click to make this big and look at her face. She's absolutely smitten.
This weekend JK and her mommy came to visit us! After we picked them up from the airport JK's mom and I were talking a mile a minute in the front and the girls were doing the exact same thing (with slightly more giggling) in the backseat.